Saturday Spotlight happening now! #TeninoStrong
5/12 Tennis is cancelled for today
Wednesday Senior Spotlights!
Seniors of THS!
Another Tuesday Senior Spotlight! #OnTenino
Tuesday spotlight! Class of 2022! #TeninoStrong
Saturday Senior Spotlight! #TeninoStrong
2022 Seniors #TeninoStrong
Wednesday senior upload!
Midweek Senior Spotlight!
I wish senior night had been warmer but what a great win for Tenino Baseball! Congratulations!
We love our seniors!
Senior Spotlights continue! #OnTenino
Creative THS students Alex Reichelderfer & Tyelor Mall use their skills in real world design applications! Great job!
Monday morning seniors make us happy! #OnTenino
Monday Senior Spotlight 1! #TeninoStrong