Spring break is next week. School is out 4/4-4/8. Classes resume on 4/11. Track Team practice also starts on 4/11.
Conferences are next week on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please check Skyward to schedule a time with your student's teachers.
Come support the band at the Spring Band concert. Tonight at 6:30pm in the TMS gym. Lots of great music and great progress by our students. Go Knights!
We're creating a billboard to recognize the great things that former TMS knights are doing. Please contact the office if you know what a former Knight is doing (serving in the military, teaching, coaching, going to college...). We would love to recognize them.
Next week is spirit week. Monday is Formal Day, Tuesday is USA Day, Wednesday is Sports Jersey Day, Thursday is Twin Day, and Friday is Comfy Cozy Day.
Good luck to the TMS Knowledge Bowl team. They have their first competition today at 3:45pm at Bush Middle School. Go Knights!
We're implementing a Shield Rewards program to encourage students to turn in assignments. Check with your student to see if they received a Shield Reward ticket today. Tickets can be entered into a special monthly raffle and be used to get a special treat once a month.
Today, Jan. 31st is the first day of Semester 2. Have your students check their Skyward account for their new schedule. Go knights!
Tomorrow, Jan. 28th is the last day of the semester. School will dismiss at 11:45am.
Congrats to the TMS Varsity Boys Basketball teams on their victories against Hoquiam last night. Great job guys!
Boys basketball starts tonight. The JV teams are on the road to Chehalis. Good luck!
Congrats to our REALM Knights. Thanks for being great examples at TMS!
REMINDER: Picture Retake Day, Monday, November 15th.
There will be no Robotics club during conference week, Oct 26th-29th.
Conference week is Oct 26-29th. Each conference day will be a half day with dismissal at 11:45am. Conferences can be scheduled via Skyward. We are looking forward to meeting with you.
Picture day is tomorrow, Oct 13th. Please remind your students.
TMS Girls Basketball and Wrestling signs ups have started!
Sports packets are available in the TMS office.
TMS Picture Day is Wednesday, October 13th!
TMS Virtual Back to School Night is Thursday Sept 16th from 6pm to 7:30pm. Meet your student's teachers, learn about what they are studying, and get your questions answered. Check your email on Wednesday night for the links to all the zoom sessions.