Hi all, We tested our automated attendance calls and a call went out to all parents. Please disregard the message. Thank you.
about 1 year ago, TMS Principal
Next week is Spirit Week: Monday- Color Wars 6th- White 7th- Green 8th- Red Tuesday- Holiday Characters Wednesday- Merry and Bright Thursday- Winter festivals around the world Friday- Holiday Hat
about 1 year ago, TMS Principal
The TMS Student Activity Night will be Dec 8th from 6-7:30pm. Come out for fun holiday games, an ugly sweater competition, and more fun. Tickets are $3 with your ASB card or $5 without. Buy your ticket in the TMS office. The Tenino PTSA will be selling snacks at the event.
about 1 year ago, TMS Principal
The Tenino Combined PTSA Twinkle Tour will be Saturday, Dec 16th from 6pm to 7:30pm. Come drive thru and see some lights and enjoy the holiday fun.
about 1 year ago, TMS Principal
Twinkle Tour
Today is the last day of our Food Drive for the Tenino Food Bank. If you have any food items you would like to donate please drop them off by 4pm today.
about 1 year ago, TMS Principal
TMS is having a food drive on Monday and Tuesday next week to help the Tenino Foodbank. They are in need of the following food items: cranberry sauce, instant mashed potatoes, gravy, and vegetables. Food items can be dropped off at the TMS office.
about 1 year ago, TMS Principal
Tomorrow is picture retake day at TMS. So come dressed your best if you're getting your pictures retaken or if you were absent on picture day.
about 1 year ago, TMS Principal
The rest of the week is early dismissal. Students leave school at 11:45am the rest of the week.
about 1 year ago, TMS Principal
Next week is conference week. We will be on a half day schedule on Tuesday through Friday with conferences on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and evenings. Families can sign up on Skyward to schedule conferences with teachers. See you then.
about 1 year ago, TMS Principal
TMS just received the new kiln for the Art program. We're looking forward to great projects and ceramic art the students and Mrs. Blanksma will be able to make with it. A great big THANK YOU to our great PTSA who helped us get the kiln!
about 1 year ago, TMS Principal
Bus Lanes are for Buses ONLY Tenino Schools & First Student reminds parents, for your safety and the safety of students, please do not park in bus lanes or use the bus lanes to drop your students off. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
about 1 year ago, Crystal Hedden
This month is all about our amazing principals & administrators! Up next is Ms. Lindsey Bullough, our Secondary Program Administrator at Tenino Middle School! Ms. Bullough has been in education for 7 years, 5 of them in Tenino! We're so excited to have her at TMS this year and are grateful for her leadership! We appreciate you Ms. Bullough!!
about 1 year ago, Crystal Hedden
Just a reminder that costumes will be allowed at TMS on Halloween. They must be school appropriate, no full face masks, no full face paint, no weapons, and minimal fake blood please.
about 1 year ago, TMS Principal
Starting the week for Principal Appreciation month is Mr. Rand Hodgson! Mr. H is our principal at Tenino Middle School. He's been in education for 13 years and has spent the last 4 in Tenino with us! Thank you for your dedication to students, staff, and our community! We're grateful to have you!!!
about 1 year ago, Crystal Hedden
This is a friendly reminder that there is No School for students this Friday, October 13th. Please contact the school secretary if you have additional questions.
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hedden
There is no school Friday, Oct 13th.
over 1 year ago, TMS Principal
The Bucoda-Tenino Healthy Action Team (B-THAT) wants to hear your view of youth substance use in our community. Please help us by taking a short, 5 minute survey. We will use the information you give to better serve local youth. The survey is confidential. THANK YOU! English Survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/THTEEN2023 Spanish Survey https://es.surveymonkey.com/r/THTESP2023
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hedden
It's Spirit Week at TMS. Tuesday is Adam Sandler Day, Wednesday is Pajama Day, Thursday is Dress Like a Teacher Day, Friday is Tenino Colors Day.
over 1 year ago, TMS Principal
TRANSPORTATION UPDATE FOR FRIDAY, 9/29 Route #17 will be split between Routes #5 and 16. Route #16 students will be running about 20 minutes late. Route #5 running 5 minutes late. Routes #2 and 13 are combined. Stops on McCorkle, Patsy, & Lorraine are running about 25 minutes late. We apologize for the inconvenience and late notice. Please call First Student with any questions.
over 1 year ago, Crystal Hedden
TMS Picture Day is tomorrow, Wednesday Sept. 27th. Come dressed your best and make a memory. Picture packets went on Friday, check those backpacks if you haven't seen them yet.
over 1 year ago, TMS Principal