Parkside's 2020-2021 Kindergarten Registration is OPEN. Your incoming Kindergartner must be 5 by August 31, 2020 to attend. Please go to to register your child. If you are not able to scan birth certificates and shot records into Skyward, you can do one of the following: take a picture with your phone & email it to, fax it to 360-264-3838 or mail to Parkside Elementary, P.O. Box 4024, Tenino, Wa 98589.
Penguins Doing What Penguins Do #11
Penguins Doing What Penguins Do #10
Penguins Doing What Penguins Do #9
Penguins Doing What Penguins Do #7
Penguins Doing What Penguins Do #6
Timberland Regional Library Resources
Penguins doing what Penguins do. Part #5
Penguins doing what Penguins do. Part #4
Penguins doing what Penguins Do. Part 3
Penguins doing what Penguins Do. Part 1
Penguins doing what Penguins Do. Part 2
If you want to speed up your Chrome Book pick up tomorrow please do this at home before you show up.
Dear Parkside Family,
As we enter Week 2 we want all our little Penguins and their families to know that we are all thinking of you and missing you dearly. Parkside isn’t the same without you all. In fact, it’s very quiet and I miss the excitement, laughter, and love for learning you bring each day to Parkside. We want to try to keep as many of you involved in your learning as possible so your teacher and all the other teachers and support staff at Parkside and other Tenino School District Schools have been working hard behind the scenes to make that happen. Over the next several weeks we will continue to communicate with your parents and you. We will be reading books and sharing them online, along with some of the other fun things we have planned for you. So, what we need from you is pictures of you reading a book, drawing a picture, painting, building something out of your blocks or Legos, playing a game with your family, being active (exercising), working on your computer, doing some math, helping cook a meal, etc. These pictures can be shared with us at If your mom or dad emails a picture to this site they are giving us permission to post it on our Parkside Facebook Page, Twitter, and Parkside Website. We won’t be able to put all the pictures up that you send us but we are going to try to put up several a day celebrating you, our wonderful PENGUINS!
We hope to see you later next month. Please listen to your parents and be a helper! You are awesome kids, so keep washing your hands, covering your cough, and practice what us adults call “Social Distancing.” If we ALL do this it will help all of us be healthier.
I miss you,
Mr. Williams
Do you have the Tenino School District App yet? If not, go your phone's App Store and download it. It’s free and works great once you have it set up with push notifications, etc.
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Parkside Website:
ChromeBook Checkout. Quick reminder that parents can pick them up for their student's use Tuesday, March 24th from 1:00 to 5:00 at Parkside Elementary. Cash or Credit Cards are excepted. Please remember Social Distancing while in line and also in the building. Be Safe!
Tenino School District and Tenino Grab 'n Go Meals. Please see flyer for additional information.
Parents/Guardians, at this time all buildings and offices are closed to the public. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you.
The Tenino Food Bank will distribute food as follows:
Tuesdays (Starting March 17th):
9:00-11:00 a.m. in Tenino
1:00-3:00 p.m. in Bucoda
Thursdays (Starting March 19th):
11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. in Bucoda
4:00-6:00 p.m. in Tenino
Tenino Foodbank Facebook Page:
Parkside 1st and 2nd Grade Parents:
For full access for your child to take AR quizzes if they want, please go to this the below website. Do not use the one listed on the paperwork that went home on Friday.
Please use this website address: