Be Excited About Reading (BEAR) Week at Parkside.
Thank you Celebrity Readers!
Be Excited About Reading (BEAR) Week at Parkside.
Thank you Celebrity Readers!
Be Excited About Reading (BEAR) Week at Parkside.
Thank you Celebrity Readers!
Thank you Mr. Ric Zassenhaus for your annual visit. Once again you were a BIG hit with our kids! THANK YOU!
If you have a child that turns 5 before August 31st of this year we look forward to seeing you this afternoon at 3:00!
Come Support the TENINO PTSA!
Park Clean Up Flier. #ParksideProud
Father Daughter Dance
2019-2020 Kindergarten Enrollment Meeting.
Are you ready to help Parkside Elementary win the Park Clean-up Challenge again? Mark you calendars for Saturday, April 20th 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. - Tenino City Park. Please make sure to sign-in and bring a friend. Which ever school has the most helped signed up wins!
Last years crew - in the picture - we need a lot more help this year!
Book Fair starts today
The Book Fair is coming to Parkside - Tuesday-Thursday.
Timberland Regional Library presents: Owls of the PNW
PTSA Dinner and Auction. Tickets are going fast.
Book Fair next Week
The Parkside 2019-2020 Kindergarten Enrollment Meeting is coming soon. Mark your calendar for Tuesday, April 16th at 3:00.
Tonight at Parkside - Healing a Child's Heart - 7:00pm.
Princess Dance