Thank you to our Parkside PTA for the funds to purchase new playground equipment. The Ice Cream Social was a hit at Back to School Night. We appreciate your hard work and dedication to our students. We couldn't do all the wonderful things we do without your support.
Thank you South Sound Reading Volunteers, Mr. and Mrs. Wood. Our kids loved their new books!
~Read with your child 20 minutes a night.~
Students learning the rules of recess and then practicing them with their new classmates. Kids did awesome this week. We are so proud of them!
A Great Start To A GREAT NEW YEAR!
Over 250 families attended Back-to-School Night!
More pictures of some great things that happened over the summer at Parkside Elementary. Our restrooms got new floor coverings and new hand washing sinks. Also new student tables were purchased, replacing worn out student desks.
What do you do with furniture from 13 classrooms when you need them empty so you can put new carpet in? You fill the library of course. Here's a picture from earlier this summer. Thank you to the maintenance staff and our custodian Erik for all the moving this summer.
Thank you Tenino School District Voters. Our 29 year old carpet got replaced this summer. The new carpet was needed and is very much appreciated. Thank you for supporting our schools!
Graduation Starts Here.
We are proud of our Jump Into Kindergarten students.
Looking forward to seeing you soon. You are ready for a GREAT start!
Are you child's Immunizations up to date?
THANK YOU Parkside Alumnus ADAM CRAIG, for your generous donations over the years to the students a community of Tenino. Your donation that your Foundation made to PES in June will be used to help promote reading in the coming year. Thank You! We loved your visit in July!
PES Supply List Attached. Hard copies will be included in your child's welcome back letter which will be mailed next Friday, August 17th.
Kids Closet
Help your child have a successful start to next year. Invest some time this summer and see the payoff in September.
Help your child have a successful start to next year. Invest some time this summer and see the payoff in September.
Happy 4th of July!
Learning is a lifelong adventure.
Help your child have a successful start to next year. Invest some time this summer and see the payoff in September.
Jump Into Kindergarten - Don't miss out!
Miss Bradley and Mr. Schlesser have been having way to much fun with these bikes :-). Tomorrow the Lions Club will help us give these bikes away to 2 wonderful Parksiders!